Chemical Configuration
Located in Settings => Chemical Tab, here you will find all the settings in relation to chemical records. Right now there are two things you can figure, custom brews and spray rigs.
Custom Brews
A brew is classified as a regularly used combination of chemicals. Saving the brew will make it available to easily select for future chemical applications, and can be altered at each entry if it varies at an application.
Open the Create custom brew form by clicking the "Add Brew"n button. The required fields are:
- Name
- Product, Rate
You may add as many products to this brew as you need, including adjuvants by presssing the green plus icon. This will add another product/rate entry to the list for you to fill out. This will reduce the time it takes to enter your chemical data by simplying using a dropdown in chemical records
Spray Rigs
A spray rig is a machine that is either owned by you or used on your farm to administer spray chemical and nutrient applications. Save a spray rig with regularly-used nozzles and pressures to easily select for future recording.
All Fields are required
Nozzle Manufacturer & Nozzle names fields are drop downs however they support text that isn't available in the list, so if the configuration you are looking for you can simply just type the manufacuturer and nozzle name in
Custom Brews and Spray rigs automatically keep their history, so making changes to these entries will not affect past records and can be changed freely.