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Sample Records

To get started with sample records navigate to Records => Sample, Press the "Add Sample" button. This will open the sample form of which there are two ways to complete.


  • Farm
  • Paddocks

Import Sample from excel file

Required: Exported lab data excel file

You can either drag and drop or click inside the box to open a file brower allowing you to select your excel file. Once done you should see it populate as much data as it can, fill in any blanks and hit next.

Failed to Populate

If it doesn't populate then there may be something wrong with your file, or the lab export has changed recently and will need to be updated

Sample Import File

Supported Imports

Currently we only support an excel file export from NAA for soil and water samples. Over time we will add support for labs to make this process as smooth as possible

Now you should be able to just keep clicking next, confirming that data has been entered automatically at each step. Hit save and you should see the "Sample Added Succesfully" banner pop up.

Manual Entry

If you don't have the lab data export but still really want to add a sample to the system, you can manually populate all the fields including all the lab data. It might take a while, so only do this if the automatic step didn't work.